Oh my God! Talk about myself? Never! Oops, I guess I can't use "God" in this context being that I am currently performing in The Ark off-Broadway at 37 Arts… you know, The Ark as in Noah? I suppose one should be careful when referring to God, you never know how much more it will rain if you do!! Can you believe the timing of our show with all of this rain? That's a little bizarre, huh?
Anyway, I am already off the subject. So, about my role in The Ark. I play Sariah, who couldn't be more the opposite of me! Her main concern in life is what she looks like--and that is my last concern. I know--odd for an actress, right? Not so strange when you consider that I am bald. Yes, indeed, you read that correctly.
When I was eight years old, I learned that I had an auto immune disease called Alopecia Areata. I had the most common form of the disease, which is bald spots all over my head the size of quarters. OK, The Reader's Digest explanation of the disease is for an unknown reason, your body starts to believe that your hair is a foreign entity that is attacking you, so it gets rid of your hair to "save" you. I know… weird! So, now that you know I am not dying, it is, to say the least, a challenge. At 10, all my hair came back, and I had no sign of the disease for 25 years! Then, of course, it came back in spades and left me completely bald and with no eyebrows. You cannot imagine what a freak you look like without your brows! I now have tattoos--very cool! That was over five years ago.
Ironically, after years of serious shows and making audiences weep, I have now found so much humor! This past year has been filled with comical roles. This brings me full circle back to The Ark and Sariah. My interest in this role was the opportunity to exploit the often-misguided nature of women, and poke fun at it. We all have to learn to laugh at ourselves! Sariah is the quintessential body conscious woman who believes if she looks good enough, her husband will stay in love with her. She learns that her inner beauty is what really makes her unique--not unlike my own experience. It took losing my hair to understand that.
I am having such a blast with this character--playing opposite the dreamy Rob Sutton doesn't hurt either! This show is truly an ensemble piece, and what a group we have. Everyone, including all the creative staff, have a good laugh at one another. It has been such a pleasure to go through this excruciating period called Previews unbelievably exhausting! But, we are all hanging in there, learning more and more about our fabulous little show. I am happy that a character like Sariah came along. She has pointed out to me that I understand myself better than I realized!
So, the moral of the story: learn to be yourself! Live is always better than Memorex!